Microsoft Project Server 2010 is built on Microsoft SharePoint® Server 2010, and brings together powerful business collaboration platform services with structured execution capabilities to provide flexible work management solutions. Project Server 2010 unifies project and portfolio management to help organizations align resources and investments with strategic priorities, gain control across all types of work, and visualize performance by using powerful dashboards.

Microsoft Project Server
New portfolio selection and analytical capabilities in Microsoft® Project Server 2010 build a bridge between value optimization and resource utilization to help organizations select project portfolios based on alignment with business strategy and resource capability. Project Server 2010 helps organizations do the following:
Objectively define, communicate, and prioritize business strategy.
Score and assess competing requests from multiple dimensions.
Run what-if analysis optimization scenarios under various budgetary constraints.
Compare and contrast portfolios and gain insight through advanced analysis such as Efficient Frontier modeling.
Assess capacity and adjust project schedules to maximize resource utilization across the planning horizon.
Run and model headcount scenarios.
Project Server 2010 incorporates the best-in-class portfolio management techniques of Microsoft® Office Project Portfolio Server 2007, eliminating the need for Project Server Gateway (which was required to push data between Project Portfolio Server 2007 and Microsoft® Project Server 2007), and providing a consistent Microsoft® SharePoint® user interface across the solution. The improved analysis wizard in Project Server 2010 intuitively steps PMOs through embedded portfolio selection methodology, making it even easier to identify and select the right project portfolios. Project Server 2010 supports a rational rather than emotional approach to portfolio selection and provides a structured process for measuring the alignment of spending with strategy by maximizing resource utilization.