sharpcloud is a unique application for productivity and business improvement. It helps you improve your internal effectiveness and be more successful in your customer facing activities through better creation, communication and use of knowledge.
sharpcloud was founded on a revolutionary idea: a visual way to co-create, share, and manage interactive presentations enabling you to get closer to your audience – whether they are internal or external to your organization. You can create your sharpcloud community to include valuable team-members from your organization, supply chain, customers and partners.

Is sharpcloud for you?
sharpcloud is targeted at businesses from SMB to Enterprise and is for anyone who wants to sell more and create sticker customer relationships. It is also a brilliant tool for anyone interested in innovation, collaboration and business roadmapping.

Improve your organization, save time & cost
Improve your organization, save time & cost
sharpcloud benefits all core business operations that rely on effective communication. Strategy, planning, ideation, marketing and account planning are just a few of the activities that are helped by sharpcloud’s unique visualization and collaboration features.

Win more business, win the right business
sharpcloud is equally effective at delivering value to your external relationships. It adds impact to your marketing, differentiates you in the sales process and keeps you closely engaged with the customer throughout. The knowledge and understanding you gain allows you to win more of the right type of business.