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The first enterprise system that puts all of your employee recognition programs on a single platform, so you can define, measure and reward performance and safety achievements that support your goals.


Recognition is among the best (and most cost-effective) methods of improving work motivation and employee engagement

  • Summary of Kanungo and Mendonca, Gallup and Corporate Leadership Council studies, 2009


Organizations with recognition programs highly effective at improving engagement have 31% lower voluntary turnover than organizations with ineffective recognition programs.

  • Bersin & Associates, 2012


Both financial and non-financial incentives are important in a retention strategy–30% vs 90%…..choose one.

  • J. Pfeffer School of Business, Stanford University


Rewarded Behavior is Repeated Behavior

  • Reinforce the value of performance improvement

  • Fosters continued improvement

  • Formalizes the process of appreciation

  • Provides positive and immediate feedback

  • Fosters communication of valued behavior and actions



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