The first enterprise system that puts all of your employee recognition programs on a single platform, so you can define, measure and reward performance and safety achievements that support your goals.
Recognition is among the best (and most cost-effective) methods of improving work motivation and employee engagement
Summary of Kanungo and Mendonca, Gallup and Corporate Leadership Council studies, 2009
Organizations with recognition programs highly effective at improving engagement have 31% lower voluntary turnover than organizations with ineffective recognition programs.
Bersin & Associates, 2012
Both financial and non-financial incentives are important in a retention strategy–30% vs 90%…..choose one.
J. Pfeffer School of Business, Stanford University
Rewarded Behavior is Repeated Behavior
Reinforce the value of performance improvement
Fosters continued improvement
Formalizes the process of appreciation
Provides positive and immediate feedback
Fosters communication of valued behavior and actions